This duck had 16 babies and only one was yellow, how cute!
So after moving for the 5th time since we've been married, we're officially sick of it. I have to admit I've gotten better at packing, but I seriously think next time I'll just throw everything in the back of a truck and not care if it gets scratched or broken. That's a lie, but it's a tempting thought. The one great improvement we made was hiring was glorious, especially for Tyler.
We really like our new place and love having a Walmart and Costco not more than 5 minutes away. However, some things I really miss at our old apartment are the friends we made and the long walks Kellen and I would take around the pond with all the cute little ducks. Before we left I was able to get some great pictures of the new hatchlings...arn't they cute? I was also able to get a great picture of Kellen with one of his classic looks.