Thursday, September 11, 2008

Doctor Appointment

So I went to my 36 week appointment yesterday and she said I was dialated to a 1!!! However, the more I read and talk to people, I've found that really doesn't mean anything. I guess people can be dialated more than that and still wait many weeks before giving birth. My doctor did say that it doesn't look like I'll go past my due date which is great news because I'm really sick and tired of being pregnant. Why does the last month have to feel like forever? When you have to pee every 5 minutes and your feet are swollen and you can't find any comfortable position to sit or sleep in, enough is enough. So for now I'm just going to live in a dream world and pretend like he's coming sooner rather than later.

Hey at least my toenails are painted cute.


Emily said...

I know what you mean! I was only measuring at 31 weeks my last month and so I wasn't as big as I could be and I still was soooo uncomfortable! And this is coming from me who loved being pregnant! Try to enjoy it though, take pictures, rub your belly as much as you can, make your honey give you messages every night, get you ice cream even if you don't want it.

Michelle Andersen said...

I love the feet!! Oh the memories. Good luck with everything!

The Palmers said...

How does that HAPPEN? Pregnancy is not normal. You're such a trooper. I hope he comes soon!

Erin Ellsworth said...

The last couple of weeks are hard. Good Luck. Soon it will be over and you will be holding your new little baby!!!!! It sounds like your body is getting ready for delivery, and that is exciting!

Emily Malinka said...

it seems so long because it so freaken long... 10 MONTHS!!! Oh well, the wait is well worth it and your little one is almost here. I am so excited for you guys!

JoSue said...

oh honey! Your swollen feet look horribly painful! I hope you are coping with the end-of-summer heat in Dallas. Your little one will be here before you know it! Wish I could be there to go to the pool with you!

Sammy said...

I think you have cute feet!
Chloe I lost your email. And I don't have my sent emails saved. Will you send me your email addy? Do you still have mine?

EmmaTheJane said...

holy smokes! Your feet are SO swollen. Hang in there! It will all be over before you know it. (I know easier to say than to do, believe me. I know.)

Eric and Kailee said...

I HATE THIS STAGE!!! Good luck with everything coming up in the next couple of weeks. I'm excited to see your cute little boy!!!

merrilykaroly said...

awwwww I feel for you, sister!!! I hate the nights of uncomfortable sleeping! you're almost there!

The Andersens said...

Awe, you are still so cute even when you are nine months pregnant! Hang in there Chloe;)

Jill Revell said...

Hang in there...just a little longer :) I was dialated at a 1 for 3 weeks, but hopefully it will be different for you. Can't wait to see the little guy!

Emily said...

Hey girl how are you? I feel bad for your lil feet! You are almost there though--- and will have a darling little boy to hold. Try up-ing the amount of water you are drinking and way more protein as well. Thats what my doc said and it helped. My swelling didnt compare with yours(I feel awful for you) but I still thought I would pass on what I have been told.

Lanenga Family said...

WOW! You are in your last month! How exicting. Good luck, hang tough! :)