Wednesday, February 25, 2009


New Apartment

Well, after four months of looking, Tyler has found a job here in Plano, TX, working for Countrywide. We are so excited and feel so blessed to have found something. Tyler started training last week and he's really liking it so far. Unfortunately, he has to drive quite a distance (45 minutes to an hour) to get back and forth. It's hard only having one car so we decided to find an apartment closer to work. We found a place last weekend that is gorgeous and has everything we want. We're not thrilled about moving again and it's especially hard leaving our awesome ward where we've made so many awesome friends. However, we know that wherever the road takes us we'll always have good experiences. We've loved living in Dallas and are so glad we got to come here.


Beth schell said...

What!!! ...ahem, I mean congrats! I'm so glad that you'll get to see more of Tyler and so will Kellen. We'll miss you, but the picture of your new apartment looks nice. When do y'all move?

JoSue said...

Holy cow! that's awesome! Christie told us Tyler was working in Plano. Honestly, I'd MUCH rather be close to hubby's work then have him be gone two extra hours a day. I'm sure you'll love that area up there just as much! Good luck with the move!

Emily said...

Chloe, what the heck? Leaving us so soon! I understand- but we'll really miss you guys! Can't wait to come see your new apartment, all shiny and new. Wonder what that's like? I'm still finding scary-shaped dust bunnies behind my 30-year old microwave. Bless the Village.

The Andersens said...

Congrats on the new job. We were praying for an AZ job, but whatever works.

Charlotte said...

Can we move there with you? It looks SO nice!!