Thursday, May 28, 2009

My Boyz

I think my photographer sister-in-law Michelle would be proud of this picture, isn't it awesome? Tyler and Kellen were out on the balcony and I snuck out and caught this great picture of both of them. I can definitely see where Kellen gets his blue eyes.


Jill Revell said...

That really is a cute picture! Good job.

The Palmers said...

sooo cute! I seriously can't wait to hold him... and it really is a matter of days!!! =)

Michelle said...

This is a DELICIOUS picture my dear! It needs to be up on the wall. I love your boyz!

The Busey Family said...

Cute pictures. I love the zoo!

Charlotte said...

Two keepers! One's a BIG HUNK (white and kinda nutty- afterall he prefers Flamingos over Rhinos?!!) the other a CHARLESTON CHEW(squishy and oh so yummy)!!