Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Okay, the outfit is complete. Now I just can't wait to post of picture of our cute little pumpkin on Halloween.


The Palmers said...

Hilarious!! Ok, so not in a bad way hilarious. just hilarious because i'm imagining a tiny thing drowning in the hat and shoes. can't wait. ps- my class is at 33 students and counting...

jax said...

Those are absolutely adorable! I'm excited to see pictures of them filled!

Shannon said...

That little outfit is adorable. You are amazing!! Your little one is just going to be darling in that.

JoSue said...

You are awesome Chloe! I gave up learning to knit in highschool. Maybe I should give it a try again. Hope all is well in the village!

Erin Ellsworth said...

O my cute! You need to teach me how to make those booties! I love them. I am having a baby in Idaho in Feb. In other words it will be super cold and I would love to make some booties!

Good Job!

Breanne said...

I was reading Christie's blog and got totally jealous that she got to hang out with you.
You are so cute pregnant. Good luck with the last few weeks of pregnancy!

Eric and Kailee said...

GOOD JOB! You did an amazing job on the hat and booties. Your baby boy will be the cutest pumpkin.. How are you feeling these days?

The Palmers said...

thanks for your encouraging words...i KNOW you know how it is. i'm surviving for now though. the question is, are you??? get that baby here!